Saturday, August 31, 2013

Employee Appreciation Picnic

I'm late in posting pics from the Employee Appreciation Picnic, I'm here now showing you what fun we all had!

So, it was a rainy day, probably the ONLY rainy day in July but we made due. Or rather Parks & Rec made due for us, they were so awesome.....they brought our picnic indoors! So, only our poor cooks: Mike and Jason were stuck outside in the drizzle but they were of great spirit, Bernardo was our burger and hot dog expediter, they worked so hard trying to keep up with the masses!

Wonderful food was eaten by all who attended. Food contributed by the EAC and Director; hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, cookies, drinks.....Jeff made four different kinds of delicious cupcakes, Sallie and Mona made the most awesome salads (Sallie, your pasta salad was too die for)! What a wonderful meal provided to all....

Mike, Jason and Bernardo.....Thank you Guys! 

Sallie and Mona's yummy salads....Thank you! 

Jeff's cupcakes....oh my, they were good! Thank you!

Hot Dogs and Hamburgers....YUM!

The picnic buffet....

 A lot of people got to eat a lot of food! Thank you everyone, for all you do for the Borough! 

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