Monday, December 2, 2013

Children's Holiday Party - 2013

So, do you have children or grandchildren that love the Holidays? Do they love Holiday parties? Do they love giving and receiving presents, then they need to go to the Children's Holiday Party.....

EAC is hosting the 2013 Children's Holiday Party
A special "Thank you" to Linda Ingham for organizing this event!
It's sure to be a fun time had by all!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Makin' Bacon was a Tasty Success.....

So, if you didn't make the missed out! The food was incredible! YUM! Omigosh, we have some amazing cooks at the Borough! Thank you all for participating....and cooking!

EAC Winners:
Grand Prize: Billie Tewalt
Main Dish: Steve Smith
Breads & Muffins: Cathy Chamberlain
Appetizers: Billie Tewalt
Dessert: Pascale Seidl

Congratulations to all the winners! Check out some great foods that you missed...




A couple of our winners.....
Billie Tewalt - Grand Prize
Pascale Seidl - Dessert
Check out that pig trophy, start searching for recipes and you could be in the running to win it next year! Yes, we'll be having another Makin' Bacon will become an annual event!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

EAC and Arctic Winter Games - Winner Names

Drawing Winners:

Raavee Stuff Animal: Nancy Durham
Presidential Troll Doll: Jeane Appling

It's that time again, we are going to have another Arctic Winter Games Clothing Sales....only this time, we'll have it for two days!

So get ready to shop and support the Arctic Winter Games!

Get Your Game ON......

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Makin' Bacon Contest in September

So, the EAC is going to have another contest....are you ready? It's going to be yummy, it's going to be fun, it's going to be big!

Makin' Bacon

The EAC is sponsoring a "Cooking with Bacon" Contest.....
Start searching out those recipes.....or create your own new Bacon recipe!

Everything is good with Bacon....Right? 

Create desserts, muffins, casseroles....whatever you come up long as Bacon is one of the ingredients! 

Sign up (EAC will accept multiple entries) by September 15th 
with Gail at or Penny at

Sign up to win a fun Makin' Bacon prize! 

The Grand Prize Winner wins a fun prize! 
AND.....the Makin' Bacon Pig Trophy (win it this year and fight to keep it next year, this will be a yearly event of which the winner will either keep the trophy or pass it on to the next winner)

We'll have a Grand Prize and a 1st Place winner in each of the four categories listed below

Main Dishes
Miscellaneous (totally off the wall recipes)

Contest will be held on September 25th in the Assembly Chambers from 11:30am to Noon....

And afterwards.....from noon to 1:00pm, 
the EAC will be selling the Bacon Creations...
The yummy food created by your creative co-workers.....come cheer them on and stay for lunch! 

Lunch: $5.00 per Bacon Eater

small print: all contest foods will be sold at the luncheon,
all proceeds go to the EAC

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Employee Appreciation Picnic

I'm late in posting pics from the Employee Appreciation Picnic, I'm here now showing you what fun we all had!

So, it was a rainy day, probably the ONLY rainy day in July but we made due. Or rather Parks & Rec made due for us, they were so awesome.....they brought our picnic indoors! So, only our poor cooks: Mike and Jason were stuck outside in the drizzle but they were of great spirit, Bernardo was our burger and hot dog expediter, they worked so hard trying to keep up with the masses!

Wonderful food was eaten by all who attended. Food contributed by the EAC and Director; hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, cookies, drinks.....Jeff made four different kinds of delicious cupcakes, Sallie and Mona made the most awesome salads (Sallie, your pasta salad was too die for)! What a wonderful meal provided to all....

Mike, Jason and Bernardo.....Thank you Guys! 

Sallie and Mona's yummy salads....Thank you! 

Jeff's cupcakes....oh my, they were good! Thank you!

Hot Dogs and Hamburgers....YUM!

The picnic buffet....

 A lot of people got to eat a lot of food! Thank you everyone, for all you do for the Borough! 

Friday, June 28, 2013

A Heads Up...Bling Your Beach Wear Contest in January

So, we are going to have another "Bling Your Beach Wear" Contest, January 15, 2014! 
Just in time for the Holiday Party on January 25th! 

Pick up your beach wear have 6 months to decorate and design the winning entry for the January contest! Buy or make your base beach wear....bling it up with beads, jewels, fabric, paints, flowers, etc. Do Princess, Boy, Girl, Fun, Bright, Redneck, Dark, Vintage, Retro, Modern....go outside the box! 

We need lots of entrants.....we want to see what you can do! 
In fact....I, Penny Stuart, CHALLENGE you to compete against me....Miss Artsy/Craftsy girl....
come on, I dare you! 

Come on.....Join me in this fun contest! 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

EAC - Employee Appreciation Picnic....

EAC & Director
Annual Employee Appreciation Bar-B-Que

The Coals are on FIRE!
The Party is starting…

Don’t miss out on great food and fun…

Please Come Join the Fun…
Wednesday, July 10, from Noon to 1:30 pm
 Kiwanis Field behind the Big Dipper

EAC Bake Sale

Thank you to all the bakers for all your hard work, making yummy desserts...baking during these extremely hot days!

A special thanks goes out to Pascale, her coffee cakes and Pina Colada cake were a huge hit and brought in the most proceeds...Pascale stayed up til early hours of the night (or morning) to finish baking her creations.....THANK YOU Pascale for working so hard and supporting EAC!

Thank you also to everyone who stayed during their lunch hours to sell those yummy treats! You all deserve gold stars....

Bling Your Beach Wear Winner...

Congrats goes to Nikki....
Nikki created THE cutest glasses and accessories! 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bling your Beach Wear & Bake Sale..... June Fun in the Sun!

Top Hot Dog....

And the winner is..... Craig Malloy, 2nd year running! 
Congratulations Craig! You held onto your title! 

Check out that clean plate.....and he doesn't look any worse for wear after eating 5 hotdogs: 

Craig won the roaming trophy: 
#1 Hot Dog and prize basket.....seeking challengers for next year, 
you too, can win! Practice, Practice, Practice! 

Check out more Hot Dog Eating Contest pictures below....

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Get Ready, Get Set......Eat those Hot Dogs!

So, it's that time of year....when we are starting to think of Summer activities! 
EAC is sponsoring it's 2nd Annual Hot Dog Eating Contest to kick off Summer! We are looking for Hot Dog Eaters (we already have 4 signed up), watchers, and food eaters! After the contest is will all have a chance to eat a yummy hot dog, chips, chili.....

Come On Out....Join in the Fun!

We need Contestants.....the winner takes home a Gift Basket and Roving Trophy. 
And the trophy....well, let's just say: Hot Dog! 

To sign up, please email Gail at: or 
Penny at:

Come on, you know you want to!

We need Eaters too! Come know you are hungry!

EAC - AWG Event a Success

Get your Game On! 

What a fun time we had....selling the most awesome Arctic Winter Games clothing and accessories! It was fun to see what everyone was choosing, I (Penny) wanted one of everything....PINK! Oh, I did try to talk everyone into buying Pink...I succeeded a couple of times!'s Spring (really it is), we need color! Go outside your box, choose a color that brightens everyone's day, it will in turn, brighten yours!

They had the coolest jackets, hoodies, shirts, blouses, bags, stuffed ravens, water bottles, scarves and more....If you missed out on the sales of the Arctic Winter Game can visit them at 330 Barnette Street.

Don't  miss out....Show your support of the 
Arctic Winter Games 2014! EAC has! 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Arctic Winter Games...EAC Sales Event

So, on May 1, 2013, EAC will be sponsoring an Arctic Winter Games Sales Event. We will be selling wonderful clothing and other miscellaneous items. Please mark your calendar to visit the EAC/AWG shop in the Chambers:

EAC and AWG will accept Cash, Check and Credit Cards
Clothing will be ordered and delivered on the same day
Choose from a great variety (clothing will be available to "try on for size")

Help Support EAC and AWG

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Wow, what a wonderfully "Sweet" day!

And the Winners are:

Pascale won 2nd Place with her Pink Lemonade Cupcakes & Shelly won 1st Place with her Caramel Brownies! Congratulations to you both! 

1st Place Caramel Brownies

2nd Place Pink Lemonade Cupcakes

Take a look at the Sweet Treats: 

These are just a few of the many wonderful desserts! Thank you to all the wonderful bakers who gave of their time and talents to bake such delightful treats! You are all awesome! 

Say Hello to our very diligent, very dedicated Judges...

Mona, Glen, Melanie, Bernardo, Paul & Kellen
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you all so much for being willing to eat all those goodies! You did a fantastic job of judging!