Sunday, November 9, 2014

Quarterly Winner!

The Quarterly winner of a $15.00 gift certificate to
Great Harvest is: Debby Brady!

You too, can win prizes from EAC by signing up to be a member! This is one of only several prizes...
                           Support the EAC
                           Win Prizes
                           Get free admission to Events
                           Support the EAC
                           Visit with friends & co-workers at the Holiday Party
                           Eat food, buy goods, celebrate at the EAC events
                           Support the EAC

Winning prizes isn't the only reason you should become a member but it sure makes it fun!

Monday, July 21, 2014

And the Winner is....

Pat Carlson
Thank you SO much for all your help, unloading leftovers from the EAC Employee Appreciation Party!
Congrats, you win a gift card - $10.00!

2014 EAC Employee Appreciation Picnic

So, if you didn't make the missed out!
Check out the pics....maybe you will be enticed to go next year!
Lots of food, fun and a chance to meet your co-workers!
Chowin' down

Enjoying food and sun

EAC's worker bee

Food....we are ready to EAT!

Just a few of our IT guys, "hey there"

Once again....our Faithful, Funny, Fabulous Cooks
Smile Denise....
 Waiting in the sun.....
 A great turn-out

Public Works at your service

More waiting in the sunshine

Nanci, Toni & Carolyn smilin' for the camera

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Employee Appreciation BBQ Planning Meeting


Please try to attend the June 10th planning meeting to discuss the 2014 Employee Appreciation BBQ!
Please bring ideas to the meeting scheduled from 1pm-2pm!

We would like FNSB employees to join the meeting, to offer up ideas or desires for the BBQ.

Monday, April 7, 2014

And the Winner is....

EAC Quarterly Drawing
1st Quarter, 2014 winner is...
Phyllis Garrett - Library
Congratulations Phyllis, you have won a $20 gift card to Petunia's Garden Bistro!

FNSB Gives to Live

The Fairbanks North Star Borough employees have risen to the occasion again.
During the EAC Blood Drive, 28 employees volunteered and 19 units of blood were received, potentially saving 57 lives! Thank you to those employees who volunteered your time and donating your blood to give the "Gift of Life" to their fellow Alaskans.