Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Get Ready, Get Set......Eat those Hot Dogs!

So, it's that time of year....when we are starting to think of Summer activities! 
EAC is sponsoring it's 2nd Annual Hot Dog Eating Contest to kick off Summer! We are looking for Hot Dog Eaters (we already have 4 signed up), watchers, and food eaters! After the contest is will all have a chance to eat a yummy hot dog, chips, chili.....

Come On Out....Join in the Fun!

We need Contestants.....the winner takes home a Gift Basket and Roving Trophy. 
And the trophy....well, let's just say: Hot Dog! 

To sign up, please email Gail at: or 
Penny at:

Come on, you know you want to!

We need Eaters too! Come know you are hungry!

EAC - AWG Event a Success

Get your Game On! 

What a fun time we had....selling the most awesome Arctic Winter Games clothing and accessories! It was fun to see what everyone was choosing, I (Penny) wanted one of everything....PINK! Oh, I did try to talk everyone into buying Pink...I succeeded a couple of times!'s Spring (really it is), we need color! Go outside your box, choose a color that brightens everyone's day, it will in turn, brighten yours!

They had the coolest jackets, hoodies, shirts, blouses, bags, stuffed ravens, water bottles, scarves and more....If you missed out on the sales of the Arctic Winter Game can visit them at 330 Barnette Street.

Don't  miss out....Show your support of the 
Arctic Winter Games 2014! EAC has!